Детска градина Малкият принц, Пловдив

Create Sales Agreement Ax 2012

Sales Agreement AX 2012: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Sales Agreement

Creating a sales agreement is an essential aspect of any business transaction. It binds the buyer and seller together and lays out the terms of the sale. In this article, we will explore how to create a Sales Agreement in AX 2012.

Step 1: Open the Sales Agreement Form

To create a sales agreement, you must open the Sales Agreement form in AX 2012. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Navigation Pane on the left side of the application.

2. Expand the Sales and Marketing section.

3. Click Sales Agreement.

This will open up the Sales Agreement form, and you can start creating your agreement.

Step 2: Fill Out the Header Information

The header section of the Sales Agreement form requires you to fill out some critical information. This information includes the Agreement ID, Agreement Name, Customer, and various other details.

If your business is new to AX 2012, you may need some guidance on how best to complete this section. Here are a few tips:

1. The Agreement ID should be unique and easy to remember.

2. The Agreement Name should be a descriptive title.

3. The Customer field should be filled out with the name of the customer with whom you are making the agreement.

4. Fill out the other fields as required, such as the Agreement Date, the start and end dates of the agreement, and the currency used.

Step 3: Add Sales Agreement Lines

The sales agreement lines section of the form is where you add the specific products and services that are part of the agreement. To add a new line, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Add Line button.

2. Fill out the Product, Description, Quantity, and Price fields.

3. Repeat the process for each product or service.

Step 4: Review and Approve the Sales Agreement

Before you can finalize the sales agreement, you should review it carefully to ensure that all the details are correct. You can do this by clicking on the Preview button, which will give you a detailed view of the agreement.

If everything looks good, you can approve the agreement by clicking on the Approve button.

Step 5: Post the Sales Agreement

Once the agreement is approved, you can post it. Posting the agreement means that it is now an official document, and it is stored in the system for future reference.

To post the sales agreement, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Post button.

2. Select the Posting Date.

3. Click OK.

Final Thoughts

Creating a Sales Agreement in AX 2012 is a simple process that you can accomplish in just a few steps. By following this guide, you should be able to create a sales agreement that outlines the terms of your business transaction in a clear and concise manner. Remember that a sales agreement is a legally binding document, so be sure to review it carefully and seek legal advice if necessary.

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