Детска градина Малкият принц, Пловдив

Free Tenancy Agreement 2021 Uk

Free Tenancy Agreement 2021 UK: Everything You Need to Know

As a tenant or landlord, having a written agreement can protect both parties and provide clarity on the terms of the tenancy. However, the cost of drafting a tenancy agreement can be a concern for many individuals, especially in the current economic climate. Fortunately, there are various options available, including free templates, to create a legally binding and comprehensive tenancy agreement.

What is a Tenancy Agreement?

A tenancy agreement is a legal contract between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the terms and conditions of the tenancy. It typically describes the property, the length of the tenancy, the rent amount, and the rights and responsibilities of both parties. A tenancy agreement can also include specific clauses, such as those related to pets or smoking, that can further clarify the expectations of the landlord and tenant.

Why Use a Tenancy Agreement?

A tenancy agreement is important for both tenants and landlords as it sets out the rental terms and conditions and protects both parties. It can help to prevent misunderstandings and disputes, and if there is a disagreement, the agreement can be used as evidence in court.

It is also required by law in the UK for landlords to provide a written tenancy agreement to their tenants. Failure to do so can result in legal consequences, including being unable to end a tenancy using a Section 21 notice.

Where to Find a Free Tenancy Agreement?

There are numerous websites where you can find free tenancy agreement templates. The UK government offers a free tenancy agreement template for assured shorthold tenancies, which is the most common type of tenancy in the UK. Other popular options include Law Depot, Rocket Lawyer, and Simply Docs. You can also search for free templates online, but be sure to use reputable sources to ensure that the agreement is legally binding.

Important Tips for Using a Free Tenancy Agreement

While using a free tenancy agreement can save you money, it is important to take certain precautions to ensure that it is suitable for your specific needs. Here are some important tips to follow when using a free tenancy agreement:

1. Read the Agreement Carefully: Make sure that you carefully read and understand the entire agreement, including any clauses, before signing it.

2. Personalize Your Agreement: Ensure that the agreement is tailored to your specific situation by including all relevant information and terms that apply to your tenancy.

3. Seek Legal Advice: If you are unsure about any aspect of the agreement, consider seeking legal advice before signing. This can help prevent any potential issues down the line.


A tenancy agreement is an essential tool for both landlords and tenants. While it is possible to draft your own agreement or use a paid service, there are also many free templates available that can be customized to suit your needs. However, it is important to take certain precautions when using a free tenancy agreement to ensure that it is legally binding and suitable for your specific situation.

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